Prepare…for Potato Paper


Arjowiggins, which forever delights in bringing us paper that feels like skin, that glimmers like metal, now pushes boundaries further still with a new line headed for North America this year: Curious Matter. And this one is derived in part from…potato starch.

A recent Print Week article sums up some of its vitals this way:

“Antalis marketing manager Natalie Thomas said: “It looks really rough but when you touch it, it is both smooth and grainy. It’s different, it’s always great when you get a new product that’s got a story about it. There’s nothing quite like it in the market.”

The paper comes in seven colours, all named after potatoes, such as Desiree Red and Purple Majesty and four weights – 125, 135, 270 and 380gsm.

It is suitable for most printing techniques and according to Antalis it is particularly impressive used in four-colour and spot varnish offset printing, digital dry toner printing and lithography and letterpress. The company suggests the paper will work well with folding, scoring, laser-cutting and lamination.”


Anytime Arjowiggins releases a new line it’s an event. Seldom, though, do they give us a line that requires us to crack down on our own use of puns and clever-only-to-us headlines so severely. We hope it debuts soon because, quite frankly, we’re not sure how long we can resist.



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