Best. Wedding Invitation. Ever.

punch_out_wedding_invitation_125With everything that goes into arranging a wedding, couples can be forgiven for producing less-than-stellar invitations today…and they do. But every once in a while two hearts beating as one roll up their collective sleeves and create something truly transcendent. Ian Collins designed and handmade this invitation for his wedding to Christine Srivongse.

This description comes to us courtesy of My Modern Met:

“Ian designed the main invitation card beautifully and spent hours and hours at TechShop on the laser cutter,” says Christine. “It took twenty minutes for every four cards. The kraft backings were also laser cut. Using an Xacto knife, the trees were punched out carefully and bent forward to create the 3D effect. The front cards were then sewn to the kraft backings with a sewing machine.”

Unbelievably gorgeous. More photos here.



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