Webinar: Ask Your Questions This Week

Having a devil of a time finding the perfect balance between your print creations and other media that you know you should be using? Wouldn’t it be nice to get the advice of somebody who actually has a successful track record in this arena?

Then you’re in luck. PaperSpecs’ next free Webinar, “The Perfect Match: Print and _____,” will be hosted by Daniel Dejan, Sappi’s North American ETC print and creative manager. Check it out on:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
2 p.m. ET (11 a.m. PT)

And if you have a question or two that you would really like answered, simply email it to us here and we’ll take care of the rest.

Remember, as a special bonus, all registrants will be mailed a complimentary copy of “Print &” after the webinar. The Sappi publication offers insights into why a combination of platforms can be the most effective way to achieve marketing goals. (“Print &” was designed by award-winning designer Kit Hinrichs of Studio Hinrichs.)

To sign up for this free webinar, please click here.


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