Salary Guide: Give to Get

As 2013 draws near, it’s time to take a look at what worked this year and what didn’t. What worked? You! You worked your patootie off, but did you get a good rate for that work?

Yep, time to consult another salary guide, and this one’s a corker.

What makes the Coroflot Design Salary Guide so unique is the sheer number of people involved. At last count, more than 28,000 design professionals ­– from all 50 states, Canada, and around the world ­– had contributed their pay details to the site between 2006-2011. Salaries also cover a wide range of positions from the usual art director/creative director/Web designer lot to architects, industrial designers and more.

For example, according to the guide, U.S. art directors earn a median income of $70,000, and $90,000 in the 75th percentile.

The catch? Before you can drill down to the detailed results, you have to fill out a short survey about your own compensation. It’s completely anonymous, of course, and is, in fact, the very basis of the salary guide. And after this year, who hasn’t learned the value of “give a little to get a little”?


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