Spin the Bottle Wine Label

wine_125Looking for the perfect wine to spice up Valentine’s Day? We haven’t the foggiest idea how it tastes, but for pure label dynamics alone we’ll recommend Spin the Bottle wines from the Terravant Wine Co. The label uses our favorite retro-technique – lenticular printing – to make the label on the bottle appear to spin hypnotically as you walk by.

Naturally this put us in mind of the label Stranger and Stranger designed for Argentinian wine LoTengo, which depicted a couple doing the tango using the same technology.

Hmm? What’s that? What about the wine itself? Spin the Bottle currently offers a 2012 Chardonnay, a 2010 Red Wine Blend, and a 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon, all sourced in California.




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