Cool Design: Star Chart Wedding Invitation

star chart wedding invitation

“Cool” doesn’t even begin to cover the style and craftsmanship that went into this wedding invitation for designers Shaun Green and Nicola Johnston, inspired by old maps of the constellations.

star chart wedding invitation

With a nighttime wedding planned, the couple produced 150 of these roughly 11″-x-17″ beauties that feature them at the center of their universe (S+N just one letter shy of “SUN”), surrounded by various constellations comprised of people they’re inviting to the wedding.

star chart wedding invitation

The charts were printed by Impressions Foiling on GF Smith’s Colorplan Imperial Blue (175 gsm) paper. A cleverly designed label places their “S+N” logo over one cap of a shipping tube, while displaying the wedding date and the names of the recipients down the side. How could you not attend such an eloquently advertised “star date”?

star chart wedding invitation


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