The Amazing X-ray Viewer

X-ray viewerLike the elves of folklore who cobbled together fine footwear for the shoemaker after he went to bed (an early form of outsourcing), the elves at Structural Graphics frequently inject a third-dimension – and some much-needed relevance – into traditional direct-mail products. The results often inspire admiration and smiles, but with their recent piece for Whirlpool brand Gladiator – well, wonder is the only word for it. Wonder as in “How in the @$#! did they do that?!”


Here’s the setup:

“We helped Whirlpool brand Gladiator produce this direct marketing piece for VIPs attending a TED conference. This ultra-targeted campaign featured exclusive pricing on Whirlpool products for the recipients only. The X-ray Viewer supported the promotion by creatively teasing images of the brand’s products as they would appear in a familiar home setting, like that of their target audience.”

Created by Structural Graphics’ senior designer, Rob Kelly, this item was actually preceded by a similar design for their 2013 holiday card (see below). We get that it’s a patent-pending process, Rob, but c’mon, we’re dying of curiosity here. Spill!



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