The Accidental Rule Book

accidentalrule_bk2Funny old world, isn’t it? Some writers and illustrators spend huge chunks of their lives trying to put together a book package slick enough to capture the imaginations of publishers. And sometimes an 8 and a 10 year old cobble together a notebook between them, lose the thing, and end up having it professionally published.

That’s just what happened to cousins Isabella and Isabelle, who scribbled out a notebook full of life rules for their younger siblings. Its chance discovery in a Walmart parking lot led to it being picked up by Simon & Schuster. As editor Lisa Rao put it:

“The minute I saw the handwriting and heard all the hysterical and the sweet rules these two had written, I knew I wanted to publish it… ‘Don’t bite the dentist?’ How could you not want to publish that?”



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