Premieres. Launches. Rollouts. Debuts. No matter what name we give to our creative opening acts, no matter how much work we put into getting “there,” the big concern is not so much whether or not the public will like it (although we love it when they do). The big question is whether or not WE will like our work when finally able to get it out of our heads and onto the paper. With their first project, a chapbook of Genine Lentine poetry, publisher Missing Links Press should be very pleased.
The highlight of the design is the dust jacket that wraps around the saddle-stitched booklet. Its inventive fold (reminds me of a linen napkin placed on fine china) reveals the title. Once removed and unfolded, the dust jacket becomes a promotional poster.
Delicate, precise typesetting and elegant pacing further enhance the design of the piece. The two-color palette, inspired by the paper (Thai Gold Mohawk Loop and Ultra White Mohawk Superfine), is graceful and easy-going. The stock texture and tall, vertical format make it feel wonderful in the hand.
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