There are those projects where the stars align perfectly, and the result is an enviable design. MM Identity Lab’s 2014 self-promotional piece is one such constellation of well-conceived and executed elements.
Every year, the studio produces a calendar that correlates with the Chinese Zodiac. Because 2014 is the Year of the Wooden Horse, the team decided to create a poker-inspired desk calendar accompanied by a special deck of cards.
Twelve of the 52 cards in the deck do double duty as the 12 months in the year, which are displayed on the custom-made wooden holder. Each holder was hand stained with charcoal, water and linseed oil to add character and individuality.
The two-color palette (gold and black) represents day and night. Custom woodcut-style illustrations, borders and typography really shine on the Ivory Utopia Silk. Everything was packed in hand-stamped boxes with wispy hay to round out the presentation. Best of all, the calendar is still useful as a custom-designed deck of playing cards for years to come.