Sumptuous London Savoy Hotel Event Suite

If you’re RBC Wealth Management and you’re looking to honor your top 150 financial advisors, what better way to say “thank you” to the “Chairman’s Council” – members of the company’s most prestigious recognition program – than with a 5-day get-together at London’s famed Savoy hotel

Naturally, the invitation collateral for that event should be every bit as lavish as the venue, which has played host to everyone from Oscar Wilde to Marilyn Monroe and The Beatles.

Designed by RBC’s Tina Dale and produced by our good friends at Enpointe [projects / website], all the items in this eye-catching suite feature the same grand pattern found on the walls of the London Savoy, applied to each piece through the use of flocking. [PaperSpecs PRO members: Discover the ins and outs of “flocking” here!]

Even before your eyes can drink in the gorgeous details of that pattern on the invitation door hanger, your fingertips register that lush feel that perfectly captures the unmistakable wallpaper texture found in royal palaces and grand houses. Here the top and bottom of the piece feature Black flocking, while the center is digitally printed on the same Neenah Classic Crest Avon Brilliant White Digital Cover sheet used for 3 out of the 4 pieces.

One of the biggest challenges with this piece? Cutting, trimming and die-cutting it, owing to just how “fluffy” (technical term ;-)) the flocking made it.

The “Program of Events” brochure is a handy, colorful guide to the festivities, covering everything from local history to gratuity information. Saddle stitched, its cover is flocked front and back, and digitally printed Red to match the Red in the “London Savoy” nameplate.

The dark, unadorned area in the center that wraps around each also gives the impression of a belly band, further emphasizing the fact that these materials are part of a suite. Also saddle stitched, the cover of the “Who’s Who” booklet features the same color as that of the door hanger, and Black flocking. Inside is a quick rundown of the winners of the Chairman’s Council award: their names, faces and other information.

And just when you and I think we’ve seen it all, there is the menu, dazzling with its cover. While it boasts the same Savoy wallpaper pattern as the rest, front and back, this time it is done in Transparent White on an Aspire Petallics Silver Cover sheet. A White cord-and-tassel runs along the edge of this saddle-stitched piece – purely for decorative purposes and to add that extra flourish. Inside, a list of attendees is printed on the same metallized paper, categorized by division, along with the menu for this exclusive gathering.

This suite not only hints at the treats in store for RBC’s honored guests, but the individual pieces also feel like fitting souvenirs, mimicking the hotel’s own storied walls.

Saddle stitching turned out to be a good fit for these pieces, but there are so many other binding options available to you today. You’ll discover 15 of those in our newly revised and expanded “Binding Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide to Binding!”

Inside you’ll discover:

  • A handy overview of all your binding options, complete with diagrams, page counts and relative costs
  • Detailed explanations of how each technique is applied
  • Sumptuous photographic examples
  • Tips on how to “break the rules” of each technique to achieve a special look all your own

and more!

So how do you get your hands on our new Binding Cheat Sheet? Simply download it for yourself –it’s free! 

Project Details

Title RBC Wealth Management London Savoy Hotel Event Suite Client RBC Wealth Management Design RBC Wealth Management in-house (Tina Dale)
Print Enpointe
Paper Doorhanger, Who’s Who + Program of Events: Neenah Classic Crest Avon Brilliant White Digital Cover;
Menu: Aspire Petallics Silver Cover

Production Details

Printing Method Digital Number of Colors 3 PMS Finishing and Binding Flocking, die cutting, saddle stitching

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