Library Note Cards = Stacks of Notice

card-catalog1If we love paper so much, how come we encounter so many bland personal notecards? They’re nice and all, but yet another set of Hiroshige prints doesn’t quite say “creative,” does it?

So you’ll understand our little “squee” of delight when we discovered the “Card Catalog” notecard set out from Chronicle Books later this month. Inside the “keepsake replica card catalog box” – paper-over-board that looks a lot like the wood boxes it emulates – are 30 different color notecards, matching envelopes and five tabbed “A-Z” dividers.


Each card is an authentic reproduction of a card from the Library of Congress’ own historic catalog, with all the crossings out, mysterious notations and odd details they’ve picked up down the years. Some are typed, others handwritten, all as quirky as the books and authors they represent, including:

  • “A Room of One’s Own,” Virginia Woolf
  • JD Salinger
  • “Pride and Prejudice,” Jane Austen

And because we can never completely turn our PaperSpecs brain off, this whole package struck us as a unique model for a promotion. Its strong nostalgic pull commands instant attention, and you could include virtually anything on your catalog cards. Now if only we could think of something interesting to do with these $#@ Hiroshige ones.





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