Biogas: A Little Thing that Makes Such a Difference!


Rolland Enterprises

You may know that all of Rolland’s papers are made with biogas energy, but what IS biogas? Literally, it’s garbage gas – the gas produced from the decomposition of waste in a landfill. What’s impressive is that it’s a renewable and widely available energy source that would be lost if not used. More importantly, it replaces traditional fossil fuel in the papermaking process.

The methane collected at the landfill is brought by pipeline to the Rolland paper mill 8 miles away. It is then used to produce the steam needed to actually make the paper – 93% of the mill’s paper machines are powered by it. Day after day, local waste becomes useful and clean energy.


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It is good for the environment because biogas produces near zero CO2 emissions. To get a clear picture, this alternative energy source reduces the air emissions by an amount equivalent to 21,000 cars per year. An exciting energy solution that’s definitively better for the air we breathe!

On top of that, it directly benefits the community. It contributes to local employment and a better regional economy. Unmatched since its implementation in 2005, biogas energy remains a flagship of sustainable development.

True Environmentally Friendly Papers
All Rolland papers are made with biogas energy. No special request needed here, as Rolland says, it’s simply “the way we roll.” As a result, both the top-of-the-class Rolland Enviro and the trustworthy Rolland Opaque proudly bear the biogas icon.



Coupled with an impressive array of third-party certifications, biogas is not playing solo in the green field. Rolland papers are made with either 100% or 30% postconsumer fiber and are certified FSC, EcoLogo and Processed Chlorine Free.

By the way, you can express your green side by displaying the logos on your documents using Rolland papers. You can easily download them right here:

Wanting to better understand the footprint of Rolland papers, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was made. The study measured the environmental impact of Rolland Enviro and Rolland Opaque, and compared it with other papers in the industry. Results were impressive: Rolland Enviro showed a much smaller footprint than the others. Interestingly enough, the biogas energy used at the mill accounts for most of that small footprint.



Rolland is Different, and Happy to be
At Rolland, they like to do things differently. Unlike traditional paper manufacturers, they don’t own forests; they manage the urban forest – your recycling bins. They take discarded stuff and bring it back to life. And they use biogas energy to do it. As they like to say, “it’s the way we roll.”

A New Printed Piece
Paper lovers, Rolland wanted to design and print a new piece, and they love to talk about biogas! They wanted it simple, interesting and fun to handle. Like a video, but printed.

The result is a nice, clean brochure that is both square and round. It measures 9” x 9” and includes a die-cut that shows an inserted circular 5-panel piece that can be unfolded to present the step-by-step biogas process. The brochure has been printed on Rolland Enviro Print 100 lb. Text and 100 lb. Cover by Villanti Printing in Vermont.


PaperSpecs readers, request your brand new Rolland Biogas brochure today!

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