Create a Custom Feel for your Design with Brand Alchemy

Spotlight: Classic Color

Not so long ago companies were happy to simply give their brands a distinctive look – a catchy logo, some nice type and they were done. But in our increasingly digital world, the truly successful brands are those that feel as unique as they look. Soon designing for appearance alone may be viewed as archaic as shooting silent movies for the cinema.

Making your design come alive to the fingertips is something that Classic Color knows all about.

What Pantone has done for color – enabling companies to develop proprietary shades uniquely their own – Classic Color is now doing for textures. They call it Brand Alchemy, and like that ancient magical process that was reputed to turn base metals into gold, it can transform simple packaging and direct mail into a golden opportunity for both you and your clients.

What is Brand Alchemy?

There’s a reason you’re seeing more and more packaging with embossing, soft touches and foils – packaging designers know that enticing you to pick something up is only half the battle. Once they have your sense of touch engaged, there’s an excellent chance you’ll buy the product. Yet over time even these techniques can strike consumers as played out, and nowhere near distinctive enough for branding purposes.

“Print and paper have become our base metals for the print industry,” observes Classic Color’s Jeff Hernandez. “Although useful, they lack brand remembrance. Brand Alchemy was created to transform ordinary printing into magical finishes.”

Classic Color’s Brand Alchemy is a collection of 30 different finishes designed to intrigue from the first glimpse to that crucial encounter between hand and printed piece.

“Why shouldn’t a diamond sparkle like a diamond, why shouldn’t leather smell like leather, and more importantly, why shouldn’t designers and artists have a medium to display their art,” asks Jeff Hernandez. “Brand Alchemy wants to help restore the art of appealing to the senses, the art of creating brand remembrance, and the art of bringing brands to life.”

Choose from finishes that, among others, mimic the feel of:

  • Rubber
  • Chrome
  • Woodgrain (including knot holes!)
  • Concrete

As well as those that:

  • Change color with heat
  • Release scent when scratched
  • Change color depending on the angle viewed

and much, much more.

Most intriguingly of all, Classic Color can even create a proprietary finish just for your client’s brand! What a memorable, attention-grabbing way to stand out from the competition!

In short, Brand Alchemy is bringing a little fire and passion back to design.

“People buy when value exceeds price,” Hernandez explains. “The harsh reality is that you can choose to go from the mailbox to the recycling bin, or you can go from the mailbox to enticing the eyes, seducing the sense of smell, encapsulating the sense of touch, and ultimately engraving the mind with brand remembrance. Magical finishes add measurable added value.”

Get Brand Alchemy Delivered Right to Your Door!

Intrigued? You haven’t seen anything yet. Classic Color has released this gorgeous pack of 30 cards highlighting each of its 30 magic finishes. Designed by Thirst’s Rick Valicenti with branding by Studio Hinrichs, each card features a letter of the alphabet (as well as a few additional symbols). They come in a stunning slipcase and are accompanied by a closed-gate guide featuring information about each and every card.

Ready to discover a realm of new branding and packaging possibilities made possible by Classic Color’s Brand Alchemy? [THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED]


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