Neenah Environment Direct Mail Promotion Displays the Power of Personal Touch


Neenah Paper

Once again, Neenah has created a piece that you will want to get your hands on, literally. (Check out the killer multi-level emboss on the cover!) This time Neenah tackles the subject of direct mail in the new “Everybody’s Business” promotion.

From the moment you pick it up you’ll understand why, even in this digital age, and perhaps because of it, direct mail remains one of the most influential forms of marketing. Unlike email campaigns that can be filtered (and therefore never seen), a physical piece must be looked at, read, and a decision made by the recipient as to the next step — nearly 20% of direct mail is kept.


“Everybody’s Business” takes a look at the fun and creativity that can go into designing direct-mail campaigns. Plus it highlights the ease of delivering a brand’s sustainability message without sacrificing quality, on Neenah ENVIRONMENT Papers. Let’s take a look inside this perfect-bound book and its four inserts that combine unique design and the power of touch to get a customer’s attention.


Did you know that more than 65% of paper consumed in the U.S. was recovered for recycling last year? Using environmentally conscious papers allows customers to directly connect with a brand’s values. You can see how this invite with three single panels — each with a different die-cut pattern, different colors and finishes of ENVIRONMENT — becomes a piece that begs to be turned, flipped, peeked through, and kept.

Direct mail is viewed as trustworthy by 56% of consumers, and the more those customers interact with your mailing, the more likely they are to respond.



A grometted, six-bladed, multi-patterned fan brochure that doubles as a playful way for customers to receive, interact with, and remember your message: The Hotel Ra is a new “must visit” destination.


Environment Book -3- GROWTH Spread


Businesses have embraced sustainability as a way to slash costs and waste, while boosting efficiency and productivity. Using ENVIRONMENT Recycled Papers for this global investment summit brochure makes it a fitting medium to tout conscientious entrepreneurs who are driven by green — ROI and the environment.

This brochure for a global investment summit exudes business savvy and environmental dedication.


Companies that are mindful of tomorrow’s environment and today’s aesthetic can apply those principles to their direct mail. When it comes to showcasing a new sustainable housing complex, the details count, so what better way to get your readers to engage with your brand than having them help build it? This three-piece, die-cut, DIY pop-up coupled with Neenah’s ImageMax Paper Card is something people will keep.


“Everybody’s Business” is produced with a variety of printing processes on a combination of Neenah ENVIRONMENT colors and textures — including six colors that were introduced to the line last year: Weathered, Stone, Husk, Honeycomb, Grocer Kraft, Concrete and Wrought Iron, and Neenah’s proprietary RAW finish.

Enter to win one of 25 copies of the “Everybody’s Business” promotion right now. Hurry, contest ends midnight ET Dec. 9th! If you miss out, contact your Neenah Paper merchant.


PRO members, order your copy right here.
ENVIRONMENT, RAW and ImageMax are registered trademarks of Neenah Paper.


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