The Power of Paper ON NEENAH

on_neenahNeenah Paper

Neenah introduces its newest Power of Paper promotion, ON Neenah. The promotion demonstrates the connection between the online world and that of meaningful print. Of course it also promotes the diverse array of colors and textures from Neenah’s premium papers, perfect for designers who engage in commercial printing and premium packaging.

The box carrier is in itself a unique packaging unit. Made of 24pt. 100PC White NEENAH Folding Board, this functional piece makes it easy to carry this large package-like promotion. It adds value as it is lightly printed on the inside with key copy points and charts that provide insight into why NEENAH Folding Board sheet sizes, colors and point sizes (caliper) are perfect for today’s premium retail packaging market.

The ON NEENAH paper promotion starts with a beautiful exterior box, wrapped in two different papers, smooth and pearlized. The papers are enhanced with print and foil, and completely wrap the box top both inside and out, creating an immediate awareness of what a premium box presentation looks like.


Once you easily slide off the top of the box, you’ll find a portfolio of both two- and three-dimensional print examples. It shows you the power of paper and how it can help move communications ON Line, or create reminders that get people to events ON Time and keep communications ON Point. When it comes to mixed media campaigns, paper offers cool appeal that holds the reader’s attention in a way online messages can’t. We agree with Forbes that paper is on trend, as reported in this study from June of 2012:

“Consumers are more engaged when reading printed material, unlike websites, which are often skimmed in as little as 15 seconds. A study shows that people read digital screen text 20% – 30% slower than printed paper.”

Online messages inundate us daily, but targeted direct mail printed on evocative paper substrates make an impact that drives meaningful Web interaction. Neenah invites you to get on board and elevate all of your printed materials, whether collateral or retail packaging, by specifying high quality, natural premium materials.

By showing samples that juxtapose unexpected textures on different papers, Neenah helps you create unique, one-of-a-kind projects.

No digital pixel can compare to the power of touch, and if the paper lingers in your hand and in your brain longer, so does the message. This is the Power of Paper. Neenah thinks they are ON to something powerful. With over 140 years of premium papermaking experience, they may well be right. Get on board with these cool print samples. Examples that you can use.

Get this great source of inspiration for yourself. PaperSpecs readers, enter to win one of 25 limited edition copies of The Power of Paper on Neenah. Should you miss out, contact your Neenah sales representative.





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