Just Your Type of Calendar

The Just Type Calendar features stats, history and other information about 12 different typefaces.Aw c’mon, it’s not nearly time to start thinking about calendars is it? Well if you fancy yourself a type nerd, we defy you to poke your nose into the Just Type 2015 calendar from Workman Publishing and then walk right on by. Each month you’re presented with a different typeface, and a whole lot more.

In addition to foundry, designer and general history, you can look forward to glyph width, cap height, x-height and other bits of type minutiae that separates you from, well, normal people.

The typefaces featured are also not the usual suspects: Gills Sans (think the London Underground’s lettering), Matrix (really), and Caslon among others. And this baby will set you back all of $14.

Hurry up, 2015!

The Just Type Calendar features stats, history and other information about 12 different typefaces.



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