Cool Designs of the Week

proposal resume designDesign is often well thought out; occasionally it’s even fun. But sometimes you see designers really swing for the bleachers by taking ordinary products in some extraordinary directions. This week, we get romantic with prospective employers, jazz up a zine, and find a high-tech use for the humble paper tray. (As always, you can find previous “Cool Designs of the Week” here.)

 Marriage Proposal Résumé Design

We’ve seen some inventive résumés in our time, but something about this one really got to us. (And no, we’re not romantic ol’ softies.) Quebec designer Catherine Pelletier printed a fun mini-booklet that includes her CV and brief portfolio, and packaged it together with a USB thumb drive containing samples of her work in a ring box. The magic is really in the execution – very well done indeed.

proposal resume designproposal resume designproposal resume designproposal resume design


 Gold-printed Zine Design

Traditionally zines are choppy, grotty affairs that haven’t evolved far beyond their high-contrast photocopier heyday. Aiming to highlight the way designers are being required to do more with less, the publishers of Nem tudo que reluz é Ouro (All that Glitters is not Gold) really pushed the boat out with gold printing, onion paper, the works. Printing the cover on Arjowiggins’ Curious Skin black was an inspired final touch.

gold zine designgold zine designgold zine design


KFC Wireless Keyboard Paper Tray

We don’t usually look to our nation’s fast-food establishments for groundbreaking paper design, but maybe we should. This month KFC unveiled a durable paper tray that uses conductive ink to turn it into a rechargeable wireless keyboard for your smartphone. This saves you from getting your greasy fingers all over your phone screen…which is kind of disgusting when you think about it.

kfc tray typer designkfc tray typer design


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