Graph Expo: Variable Data Foil!

scodix foil

You know how skulls pretty much ALWAYS mean bad news? Yeah, well not this time. The lovelies below instantly grabbed our attention at Graph Expo 2015 and sent our imagination into overdrive. Why? Because these were produced on Scodix Foil, an inline digital foiling station for the Scodix Ultra Pro. When you peel away (couldn’t resist) all the details, what you’re left with is one major implication: You can create a different foil design on every single piece all at once. And because you’re doing this digitally, you can produce as few or as many as you’d like.

For the purists among you who can’t rest until they’ve read the official press murmurings, we’ll leave you with the following extracts. In the meantime, we’re off to ogle the skulls again 😉

“Using a unique patent foiling process, Scodix is able to digitally produce professional results that match and transcends quality standards of either traditional hot foil or cold foil processes. And, Scodix Foil efficiently uses readily-available foils to produce a range of colors such as gold, silver, bronze and more, with no waste or mess. And with the addition of the foiling station, Scodix Ultra Pro becomes the industry’s most versatile digital enhancement system, offering Scodix Sense™, Scodix Foil, Scodix SPOT™, Scodix Braille™, Scodix Metallic™ and Scodix VDP / VDE, all in one system.

Ideal for In-house shops, Scodix Foil makes it cost effective to implement the effects of foil for run lengths of only 1 up to 10 thousand and more, to just about any project, including packaging, brochures, business cards, invitations and book covers, to name but a few.”


  1. Bob Charboneau 9 years ago

    How do we find out who or what shops are ordering one of these? I’d love to figure out where I can get this work done.

    let me know

    • Aaron - PaperSpecs 9 years ago

      Hi Bob – We’re looking into it right now; will keep you posted!

    • Aaron - PaperSpecs 9 years ago

      Hi Bob. It turns out that as it was just unveiled at GraphExpo, it hasn’t actually been installed at any location yet. The first should be going into a shop in Toronto by year’s end. We’ll keep you posted!

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